Major Update - new images and pages

“Breaking Out” Exhibition

I am glad to report that our exhibition earlier in the year was a great success, attracting lots of great comments and quite a few sales as well. Here are a few of the things our visitors said about it:-

... Amazing, completely unlike anything I've ever seen (young Art Student)

... Fabulous, integrated and exciting exhibition

... Amazing work, great variety of style. Too difficult to choose an overall favourite, I love so many.

... Inspirational and makes me want to experiment more with my photography.

... I've never seen Floor One (the Art Gallery) looking so vibrant. The presentation is sensational.

... An amazing collection that challenges your senses. My brain is lovely and confused.

We set out to make the exhibition more than just a gallery of photographs so we installed a stainless steel cityscape to front our street photography and built an old-fashioned sound booth complete with headphones to listen to my latest album. There was also a glass cabinet full of our photobooks, a continuous loop of photos running on a monitor, some matching furniture and furnishings, and background music throughout.  I think the Rugby public really enjoyed the experience.


So now, after a few months rest, I felt it was time to bring my website up-to-date with a complete new set of images, some updated content, and a new Street Photography page. I admit that I was putting this exercise off because I had forgotten how to manage my website but it turned out to be quite straight-forward in the end.

Other changes include the addition of an “Archive” page so that I can continue to show and sell the most popular images from previously shown galleries. I have also made sure there is a consistent referencing system for every image and a pricing structure now in place (see “About & Contact” page for more details). I have made some changes to the Music content also.

I hope you like all the new content and please remember that all items are available for purchase too (just use the Contact Page to start the ball rolling)..