My first ever Blog

WELCOME to my new website which I hope you will find interesting and rewarding. You will notice that I am attempting a more multimedia approach to my pages rather than confining it to photo galleries, but it will probably take a little time for some of the intended content to arrive - so please keep visiting to catch my updates. I think I will probably update the "Feature Gallery" most regularly and move the current images into one of the other galleries but it's early days for any hard and fast decisions.

On the music front you may need to overlook some of my more amateurish efforts because I do not claim to be an accomplished musician or performer - but I do like to write and create music and this is what I want to share with you. I have given myself a stage name and I talk of singles and albums because it seems more authentic and exciting this way.

I also intend making my site content available for purchase but in the short-term please use the Contact Page to let me know of any interest. I will also need to look into social media connections but I don't belong to any of these myself so I will have to give this some more thought (or be persuaded). In the meanwhile please feel free to send any comments, requests or suggestions to help me improve my site.